What is Afterpay?
A payment method on Fossil.com that allows you to buy
now and pay later in four interest-free instalments.*
Love The Way You Pay

Choose Afterpay at Checkout
as your payment method

Follow the prompts to create
an Afterpay account

Pay your first instalment to
complete your order

Enjoy your item(s), and pay
equal fortnightly installments*
Here's What You Need
• An Australian credit or debit card
• To be over 18 years of age
• An Australian residential address
• A valid email address and mobile number
Things To Know Before You Checkout
Funds for initial payments must be available at checkout. If a payment is not processed on or before the due date, late fees will apply.
*Terms and conditions apply. Excludes Gift Cards. Afterpay is available on online orders of £1 to £1,000. If you make payments on time, then you will only pay the price of the item(s) you have purchased. The only fees Afterpay charges are late fees for missed payments. Please note that Afterpay is not a service provided by Fossil. It is facility offered by Afterpay Pty Ltd.