Men's Belts

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Belts are one of those men’s accessories that were once utilitarian, but now have become a finishing touch. It’s not as though you’re depending on your belt to keep your trousers securely on, but you are depending on your belt to smooth out your whole look. So do belts make the man? You bet they do.

At Fossil, we know leather and we know details down to the last, well, detail. We’re from a long history of appreciating and evolving both. Our inspiration comes from 1954 where creative ideas exploded beautifully in the design world. Our love for all things vintage is rooted in that perfect era. We’ve emulated the best of what we think came from that time and modernised it in everything we do. You’ll see it in our men’s leather belts.

What’s The Difference In Our Men’s Leather Belts?

From textured, braided to smooth and from distressed to pristine, each of our leather belts carries a unique look of distinction. There is some wisdom in the old rules: you need one black and one brown belt. But have you considered the hardware colour tone? Hardware is where our men’s belts really pick up any slack in your look.

Looking for a gift for your favourite guy? You don’t have to worry that he won’t appreciate a cool belt. In fact, he’ll probably use your gift more than any other one. How’s that for gift win?